Saturday, February 14, 2009

Where to Print in North Carolina



Proofing Charge: $250 a day or $40 an hour

The proofing charge covers services of professional help, cost of normal materials, and proofing up to a maximum of 8 proofs.

Impression Charge: based on size and number of glass plates (one plate for each color).

Fee per impression

Sizes: 8" x 10" 12” x 16” 24” x 18" 24” x 30” 24” x 36”

Plates 1 $ 20 $ 25 $ 35 $ 45 $ 50

Plates 2 $ 30 $ 35 $ 45 $ 55 $ 60

Plates 3 $ 40 $ 45 $ 55 $ 65 $ 70

Plates 4 $ 50 $ 55 $ 65 $ 75 $ 80

Plates 5 $ 60 $ 65 $ 75 $ 85 $ 90

Littleton Studios retains:

  • 1 BAT donated to the Littleton Studios archive at Western Carolina University, Cullowhee, NC

  • 2 PP's to the master printer and curator

  • 2 AP’s maintained by Littleton Studios

The total price of an edition is the proofing charge times days to achieve the BAT plus the impression charge times the number of prints. For example: 20 impressions (edition plus proofs) from one plate, size 12” x 16” that takes two days to resolve the BAT would be $1,000.00.

Proofing charge: $250/day x 2 days = $ 500

Impression charge: $25/impression x 20 prints = $ 500

Total ………………………………………………… $ 1000

The fee does NOT include impressions retained by the studio or impressions rejected due to technical fault: miss registration, smeared or blotted color -These prints will be destroyed.

Expenses not covered by Littleton Studios:

  • transportation for artist to and from Littleton Studios

  • packing and Shipment of prints

Pricing of the entire project will change with:

  • length of stay, number of runs, size of edition, & size of plates

  • additional fees will be added for split plate inking, á la poupeé inking, special wiping.

Please note:

Proofing charges will be due at the end of the artist’s visit.

Edition charges will be due one month following delivery of impressions to artist for signing.

All charges will be payable to Littleton Company, Inc.